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Red Flag – scifi thriller minicomic (PDF)


Cassie, a young woman living in a scorched and depleted future-Earth, wants more than anything to leave the charred remnants of Earth behind and instead live and work in space.

To achieve her dream, Cassie puts her faith in a long-shot — a too-good-to-be true, barely-functional spaceship that happens to be in her price range.

Everything seems so much easier in Earth orbit, and Cassie has finally achieved all she’s ever dreamed of. But behind the scenes things are quickly falling apart, putting her and her crewmates’ lives in danger. She soon has to make the decision: Her life, or her life’s dream?

Black and white interior, 34 pages.
Published in 2014.

Content rating: PG+ – not appropriate for littles (mild swearing, some death)

This is a DOWNLOADABLE PDF – you will not receive a physical copy. The physical version is out of print at the moment so if you want to read this early work of mine, this PDF version is the only way.